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Putting People At the Centre 

Many organisations  are now much more willing to access SaaS or online systems as they have proven to be both convenient and secure. This acceptance has opened up the possibility of integrating functions that previously were separate.

Efficient Innovation

We are currently developing a unique, integrated solution to manage Self Directed Care. Our application will create a Digital Persona of each individual – leading, in turn, to multiple innovative approaches to improving the health & social care for millions of people across the UK

Data and Self Directed Care

The data provided by our product can be analysed in multiple ways and can provide multiple benefits for all stakeholders:

  • Identification of Fraudulent or suspicious behaviour in spending or delivering support services.
  • Setting thresholds to identify increased frailty or deterioration of physical & mental health
  • Long term trend analysis across similar cohorts
  • The ability to identify similar characteristics and analyse these against the care services being provided.
  • AI analysis of this data will allow early interventions, and which will subsequently lead to a rise in quality of care.

Ease of implementation

easy onboarding for Commissioning Authorities, ISF Fund holders, third party services, individuals who will benefit from their care and the individuals who wish to manage their Direct Payments.

Transparency On Services

Cleary understanding what services have been engaged (including outside services) that form the ‘custom’ care element for individuals.

Transparency On Budget

for all stakeholders including the individual & their family.


Why IO Analytics?

IO Analytics has a track record of working within the Health and Social Care sector. We work with Alzheimer Scotland on a digital notebook to record home visit information as it happens. We are also working on a system to integrate health and social care providers around the management of Self-Directed Care. Indeed, our Managing Director, Thomas Madden is a Trustee of C-Change Scotland, a Scottish based charity that provides self-directed support.  IO Analytics also works with NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) and various NHS trusts supporting multiple complex data solutions and platforms.

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G2 2PQ